Economics Lesson 20

Is it worth my time to get a part-time job at the minimum wage?

I will answer this question first with an objective standpoint, and then a personal.

Part time jobs are common amongst teenagers, and even at a minimum wage of $7.25 an hour (not factoring taxes..) many choose to take them. There are many reasons minimum wage jobs seem appealing to teenagers, as for many, it’s the one of their first steps into adulthood. It helps build a small fund, which they can use for future use, such as college or a start into buying a house.

As for me, I would consider it worth my time, lord knows I have an abundance of it I’m not using anyway. I would consider it worth it to take up a part time job. As aforementioned, it would be the start of a small fund that would gradually increase with time. It could go towards funding a career path I might choose to take, or towards helping out my family. Whatever I choose to do with it, there’s no such thing as “too much money.” Any money would be good, so even it’s something small, I’d consider it worth it.

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