The Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

So, chocolate. A thing that almost everyone loves. We all have our preferences when it comes  to anything, including chocolate. Whether you prefer Milk, Sweet, White, Bitter, Semi-sweet, or Bitter-sweet, there’s one type of chocolate that has its share. Dark chocolate. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “How can chocolate be healthy?” Well, dark chocolate has many health benefits, and it’s thanks  to the antioxidants from the cocoa tree. For the benefits, it lowers high blood pressure. Also, researchers found that epicatechin, a chemical in dark chocolate, can protect your brain after a stroke. It can also be used to treat anxiety and stress. It can also lower your risk of cardiovascular disease.

3 thoughts on “The Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

  1. I love dark chocolate! I like that it is healthy, but what I like about dark chocolate is the flavor of it. I think it tastes better than the others



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